
Privacy is a play written by Meritta Koivisto in 2002It was performed for the first time as a stage reading on 7 March 2015 in front of an enthusiastic audience at the FINNBRIT premises on Fredrikinkatu in Helsinki. Some audience members commented after the performance that the Finn-Brit Players should consider performing the play as a full production.

The March 7 performance was truly an artistic success and all available seats were sold. Congratulations to the playwright and director, Meritta Koivisto, who was the guiding light behind the production and inspired the actors to reach new heights. Special thanks also go to Timo Karppinen who recorded the entire production on video, Tiina Isoviita who spent several late-night hours designing the programme, Vello Ruus for his invaluable advice and support on production issues, Kikka Myllys and Jessica Calonius who served as front-of-house hosts, Graham Lees who was responsible for lighting and sound operation, Eila Leonoff for her work on set design and props, and Pirjo Jyrälä who was responsible for sound effects and audio sequencing. All of us are grateful to the audience members who were so appreciative of our efforts.

Privacy by Meritta Koivisto

A famous author’s extreme protection of his private life turns against him in a horrifying way. When a hometown acquaintance from youth, Lorraine Gray, unexpectedly visits Paul J. Bauer and his wife Maude in their Hollywood Hills mansion, the consequences are unpredictable yet inevitable. Lorraine’s portrait shows the fragility of morality, the destruction caused by a manipulating mind, and the depth of darkness it can reach.

MERITTA KOIVISTO is an internationally award-winning writer and director. Her film Wrestling With A Bee won the Main Prize at the International Short Film Festival Winterthur in Switzerland, and her American play Privacy has been recognized at the New Century Writers Awards in the US. Koivisto has also lectured on creative writing at Columbia University in New York. Currently, she is writing her third novel and a collection of short stories. 

Some photos from the March 7 performance – click on the thumbnails for the full images and captions.