So March is looking very busy! Here is what's happening:
Weds 11: Poetry & Jazz. Day 1 of 3.
Poetry and Jazz is now entering the 8th year of performances. It has evolved over the years to include dramatic monologues and stories. The theme for the spring program is: The Four Elements with music provided by a clarinet played by John Millar. The program will contain poetry of many styles, dramatic monologues and a story. Most pieces are written by the performers and a few by well-known authors.
Directed by Joel Holmberg.
*New venue & time* Arkadia International Bookshop (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9) at 7pm. Free entrance. Tea will be available during intermission.
Fri 13: St. Patrick’s Day
Celebrate the most Irish day of the year, even if not quite on the exact day, with your mates from the Players. Put on something green, bring a friend, and don't forget your Guinness! Organised by Fionna O'Sullivan and Steve Porter.
At FINNBRIT (Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9) at 7 pm.
Weds 18: Poetry & Jazz. Day 2 of 3.
*New venue & time* Arkadia International Bookshop (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9) at 7pm. Free entrance. Tea will be available during intermission.
Fri March 20: Play reading
Bruce Marsland will be leading this reading. All are welcome, and all will get a chance to read. Bring a bottle and a friend!
At FINNBRIT (Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9) at 7 pm.
Weds 25: Poetry & Jazz. Day 3 of 3.
*New venue & time* Arkadia International Bookshop (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9) at 7pm. Free entrance. Tea will be available during intermission.
Sat 28: Drama Incubator
Topics for the March 28th and April 25th workshops will be announced later on the website and mailing list. Come along and experiment!
No need to register, but contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any queries.
2pm - 5pm at FINNBRIT (Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9).