Help us save the NoName Theatre!
After eighteen months of enforced closures and crippling restrictions, the Finnish government has still given very little financial or other support to amateur and semi-professional theatres – and even our theatre's application for corona support was denied. And as a small independent theatre, we receive no other government or municpal funding. Even though we have finally been able to launch the autumn season, socially distanced seating will continue to severely reduce our audience capacity and makes it almost impossible to cover the actual costs of staging productions: fewer seats means less income per show, but our fixed costs remain exactly the same.
Many independant theatres, like ours, are therefore still in dire straits. There is already a severe lack of theatre space in Helsinki – and in particular affordable space. As grants for cultural activities are difficult to acquire, many small groups and individuals simply cannot afford to rent a venue and are blocked from realising their cultural projects. The death of one of the few reaming affordable theatres would also mean the death of many performing arts projects for years to come.
Which is why we’re continuing our campaign to help the theatre survive until next year. The campaign will run from 16 September to 15 December 2021. All contributions will go in full to paying the rent on the theatre. So, if you value the rich world of fringe theatre in Finland, please check out the events and give something if you can!
To make a donation
- drop some cash in the donation box after enjoying one of our shows
- pay your chosen amount to our Nordea bank account FI64 1470 3000 2303 37 using the reference number 2021090
See our Autumn/Winter Programme 2021–2022 for more information about upcoming events. New events are added all the time, as they are confirmed.
Organiser: The Finn-Brit Players Theatrical Society ry
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: To pay the rent on the NoName Theatre, so that the society can continue with its amateur theatrical activities and develop alternative types of activities, especially digital, during the coronavirus restrictions.