Spider Webs, a play written and directed by Vello Ruus
Saturday 25 October at 7:00PM
FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9 (Map)
"Spider Webs" is a comedy featuring Dr Limprandy, a wheelchair-bound psychiatrist, who is sexually attracted to his cat; Pink, Dr. Limp's pet cat and mentor; Sister Absinth, a nun who seeks Dr. Limp's advice on some very sensitive matters; Bunny and Lulu, two young men who really need Dr. Limp's help but are reluctant to admit it; and Nora Bloom, Dr. Limp's girlfriend, who is obsessed with reciting poetry at sometimes awkward moments. In addition to superb acting, you will be treated to some delightful singing and guitar music during the second half of the play. All this for less than half the price of a movie ticket.
Tickets EUR 4
MEMBER DISCOUNT: EUR 2 for Finn-Brit Players members, that is, life or honorary members and those who have paid their membership fees for 2014. You need your four-digit membership number when buying tickets.