Meet The Musician

Musician portraitMeet the Musician, as performed by Magdalena Grajcar.

No truer words have been spoken than the Musician's eloquent "No, wait, it's me that's lonely...", which just so happens to be Magdalena's favorite line as she personifies our indie music legend.

When it comes to defining her favorite moment as the Hollydae'In's in-house celebrity, she resorts to a pivotal moment of self-expression: "You said I'm one note? Here's one note!" *pushing a key angrily*

Despite finding employment at the Hollydae'In, our Musician feels most at home at a Choice Hotels (just don't tell the Concierge).

When asked what the Musician's erotic novel would be called, she quickly retorts with: "Mysterious Extra Toothbrush and Where to Shove It" - a novel inspired by a real breakup story.

On a scale of 1–5, she gives the Hollydae'In a 2. She doesn't really want to be there, but hey, they pay and even musicians have got to eat.

Photo: Jaakka Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Magdalena Grajcar

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