Meet Raewyn

20211209 Raewyn portraitMeet Heini Ryynänen, our very own Raewyn Pizzaz, who just so happens to be the guest of honor’s publicist who exemplifies the truth in the saying “Behind every great man is an even greater woman.”

Heini’s favorite line as Raewyn can be encompassed by the imperative: “Now you listen here, Lorenzo!”

Her favorite moment in the play is when Raewyn finally gets to speak her mind to Lorenzo. Hence, her favorite line being "Now you listen here Lorenzo!" #girlboss Dealing with celebrities is a hard gig.

When asked about Raewyn’s preferences in hotel getaways, Heini thinks that Raewyn is rarely likely to settle for anything lower than a Scandic Hotels-franchise place of residence for the night.

If Raewyn were to ever start publishing any of her own work, her debut novel would be called Mistress in Too Much Distress. It would tell a story about a strong boss lady, who needs some excitement and “stress relief” in her life.

On a scale of 1 to 5, Raewyn would give her stay at the Hollydae’In a 5. Raewyn is truly living her best life witnessing this turning point in Lorenzo's career and what it means for their working relationship.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Heini Ryynänen

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