WHAT: Staged reading - Old Times by Harold Pinter
WHERE: FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20a
WHEN: Friday, 18th February 2011, 7pm
The Finn-Brit Players' Harold Pinter Project continues with a staged reading of Old Times.
"A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false." – Harold Pinter
There are those whose lives are deeply rooted in the past; others keep one foot planted firmly in the future. Between the two rages a battle to control the present. Harold Pinter’s Old Times suspends Kate between her stimulating London days with her only friend Anna, and her quiet homelife in the country with her husband Deeley – challenging her to choose between nostalgia and now.
The cast includes Zoë Chandler, Jonathan Hutchings and Angie Hämäläinen, and will be directed by Jakob Holder.